
見高三番叟は、河津町の無形民俗文化財で、 江戸時代に見高出身の江戸歌舞伎の名優四代目市川小団次から指導を受けた村の青年有志が、 旧庁屋で豊作を願い三番叟を上演したのがはじまりです。 江戸時代から現在まで引き継がれ、毎年演じられています。

Traditional Performing Arts: Mitaka Sanbaso is an intangible folk cultural asset of Kawazu Town. It began in the Edo period when young volunteers from the village, who received instruction from the famous Edo Kabuki actor Ichikawa Kodanji IV, a native of Mitaka, performed Sanbaso at the old town hall in hopes of a good harvest. The performance has been continued from the Edo period to the present day, and is performed every year.